Period covered by this operations update: 5 December 2012 to 4 December 2013 This update adjusts some budget lines, modifies some appeal outcomes, outputs and activities, and extends the operation timeframe (from 18 to 22 months) until 31 October 2014.
Appeal target (current): CHF 16,267,217 Appeal coverage: The appeal is 45 per cent covered. Further funding is still required as significant early recovery needs remain
Appeal history:
· 21 December 2012: An emergency appeal launched for CHF 16,267,217 to assist 40,000 families (some 200,000 people) for 18 months.
· 5 December 2012: A preliminary emergency appeal issued for CHF 4,523,369 to cover 10,000 families (some 50,000 people) for 11 months.
· Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF): CHF 393,198 was allocated to support the National Society in its initial response to this disaster.
Summary: One year after Typhoon Bopha struck eastern Mindanao with a deadly impact, recovery efforts continue. At least 8,000 families have repaired their damaged houses while 532 others have moved into their new homes after receiving assistance under the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) emergency appeal operation in support of the Philippine Red Cross (PRC). Some 2,848 families have been supported to re-establish sources of household income. As well as the IFRC, the early recovery activities implemented thus far have been supported by the German Red Cross and Spanish Red Cross.
The PRC has been on the ground responding to needs from the immediate aftermath of Typhoon Bopha. In the first quarter of 2013, relief distributions under this operation were completed, and a total of 40,020 families were reached with health and hygiene promotion sessions. In addition, PRC provided safe drinking water to 18,000 families and ensured that typhoon-affected families in ‘tent cities’ had improved access to essential services and facilities as well as improved environmental sanitation.
This update adjusts some budget lines, modifies some appeal outcomes, outputs and activities, and extends the operation timeframe from 18 to 22 months until 31 October 2014 based on prioritization of income obtained to date. The extension takes into account a new contribution from the Finnish Red Cross/Finnish government – currently being processed – which will mostly cover provision of safer shelter assistance. The extension will also allow for effective completion of shelter interventions by allocating sufficient time to address the processes aimed at securing safer land on which affected families living in areas classified as hazard zones can rebuild.
Contributions towards the IFRC emergency appeal have so far been received from Red Cross Red Crescent partners, government partners and institutional partners. The Partner National Societies who have contributed are American Red Cross, Belgian Red Cross (Flanders), British Red Cross, Canadian Red Cross/Canadian government, Danish Red Cross/Danish government, Japanese Red Cross Society, Red Cross of Monaco, New Zealand Red Cross/New Zealand government, Swedish Red Cross/Swedish government, and Taiwan Red Cross Organization. Swiss Red Cross provided bilateral contribution directly to PRC. Contributions were also received from the European Commission Directorate General Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department (DG ECHO), the governments of Australia, Italy and Japan, the World Health Organisation’s Voluntary Emergency Relief Fund (WHO VERF), Hewlett Packard Co. Foundation and Mondelez International.
On behalf of the Philippine Red Cross, IFRC would like to thank partners and donors for their response to this appeal. Partners are encouraged to make further contributions to support the provision of safer shelter solutions for families still living in unsafe situations including makeshift and poorly-rebuilt structures.